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Parelli Natural Horsemanship


What is Parelli Natural Horsemanship?

"Parelli Natural Horsemanship’s goal is to help raise the level of horsemanship worldwide for the benefit of horses and the people who love them.

The Parelli Program is a people-training program focused on the study of horse behavior and horsemanship skills. The program spans Four Savvys, or areas of development, through four distinct levels of skill improvement.

The cornerstones of the program are a dedication to never-ending self-improvement and an acknowledgement that the improvement of horsemanship is a lifelong pursuit for those passionate about the horse.

The program encourages students to develop creative problem-solving skills and think in a lateral manner, while taking the non-verbal feedback and expression of the horse into consideration."



The Four Savvys Levels Program

Pat Parelli has divided his educational program into four distinct areas, or “Savvys” – On Line, Liberty, FreeStyle and Finesse. Within these Savvys, there are four Levels of expertise: Levels 1 - Rapport, Level 2 - Respect, Level 3 - Impulsion, and Level 4 - Flexion. 


The Seven Games

The Seven Games are seven categories of interactions for you and your horse to develop a language together that will earn you your horse’s respect as a leader. Under good leadership horses lose their fear, become calmer, more confident and responsive.

The Seven Games are based on the same games that horses use to establish friendship and dominance.




Horsenality™ is a revolutionary diagnostic tool. It helps you to to read your horse and enables you to choose the right leadership strategy. With the right leadership strategy you will quickly gain rapport, trust, respect and understanding of your horse.




For more information check out the Parelli website